Episode Rating
Episode Two: Charlie Wants an Abortion
Viewed: 1/6/21 at 6:55 am
First Time: No
- The kid that plays Tommy is just…the poster child for awful, terrible, angry looking kid.
- “Lemme tell you something Megan, I hate dead baby fetuses.”
- Two hot topics in two episodes, Sunny started off controversial.
- Lots of polos in this episode.
- In the podcast, Rob makes talks about not realizing that he looks silly when he throws something. I agree, Rob.
- “What if Jesus was Aborted?”
- Don’t know that I fully buy Megan being so devoutly religious that she recites Bible verses, protests abortion, and pushes back against jokes about the apocalypse, but slept with Mac within about a day of meeting him. Isn’t pre-marital sex sorta off limits there?
- Apparently Charlie had bad acne in high school, very Brad Fisher.