
Episode Rating

Episode Ten: Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare

Viewed: 1/27/22 at 12:47 pm

First Time: No


  • “We’ve got big dreams Mac, and we’re gonna go follow them.” / cut to “Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare”
  • Add this (specifically Dee’s apartment) to the list of shows that show people making ostensibly no money living in apartments that would easily go for $2,500/month in Philly. Even factoring in inflation, say that apartment was $1,200 back then. Dee reveals that she was making less than $1600 a month at the bar. 
  • RIP Biz Markie
  • Mac explaining to Charlie that, while the word “slave” might not be inherantly racist it does carry a certain weight with it in this country, is an oddly poignant point. 
  • Dee calling people “boners” is one of my favorite burns in the show.
  • “Well…can’t you see how retarded she is?”