Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Nine

Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Nine

Episode Rating Episode Twenty Nine: The Gang Gets Whacked Part I Viewed: 7/25/22 at 6:49 am First Time: No Notes: “So I’m supposed to risk my life based on something you saw in Tango and Cash?” As someone who is partially Italian, this episode’s Italian American...
Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Eight

Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Eight

Episode Rating Episode Twenty Eight: Dennis Looks like a Registered Sex Offender Viewed: 7/21/22 at 6:55 am First Time: No Notes: Once again, two days in a row I started the episode at exactly the same time. God is good. Also two straight episodes that directly...
Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Seven

Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Seven

Episode Rating Episode Twenty Seven: Mac is a Serial Killer Viewed: 7/20/22 at 6:55 am First Time: No Notes: The entire opening where Dennis, Charlie and Dee are discussing how inconvenient it would be to dispose of Dee’s body, capped off with her saying “he could use...
Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Six

Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Six

Episode Rating Episode Twenty Six: Sweet Dee is Dating a Retarded Person Viewed: 7/18/22 at 6:51 am First Time: No Notes: This may be the episode I’ve seen the second most of em all.  The birth of Dayman/Nightman lore starts here – and not in The Nightman Cometh as...
Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Five

Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Five

Episode Rating Episode Twenty Five: Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire ​Viewed: 7/14/22 at 7:28 am First Time: No Notes: Everyone quietly watching dancing guy for a good minute is a great scene.  Dee just waking up on the trash and not realizing how she got there and sorta...
Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Four

Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Four

Episode Rating Episode Twenty Four: The Gang Sells Out Viewed: 7/12/22 at 6:42 am First Time: No Notes: The scenes that open with the gang arguing among themselves, then cut to another character sitting there waiting for them never fails to land.  The “wood” scene is...
Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Three

Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Three

Episode Rating Episode Twenty Three: The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation Viewed: 7/8/22 at 7:14 am First Time: No Notes: The introduction of the duster – iconic.  I love the concept of making their microbrew “more powerful” Never caught Mac’s “I bought it...
Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Two

Sunny Days: Episode Twenty Two

Episode Rating Episode Twenty Two: The Aluminum Monster vs Fatty MaGoo Viewed: 6/23/22 at 6:51 am First Time: No Notes: Love the unacknowledged visual of Charlie wearing about 14 outfits at once at the end of the cold open. As the series progresses, all of the...


As you likely know if you watch a lot of Judge Judy or are a criminal, the unmistakable wood-on-wood clap that accompanies the pounding of a gavel is most often created with the intention of quieting a large crowd of unruly people, most often in a courtroom, as was...
Sunny Days: Episode Twenty One

Sunny Days: Episode Twenty One

Episode Rating Episode Twenty One: The Gang Gets Held Hostage Viewed: 4/27/22 at 6:31 am First Time: No Notes: This is one of the best episodes of the series in my recollection, so lets see how it scores out.  “Mac, can an asshole rip in half?” “Like tissue paper.”...